miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

other Brugmansia spp. or other Datura spp.



Some other Brugmansia or other Datura with ssome similarities with Brugmansia versicolor, can be the so-called Angel’s trumpet (see http://treesandshrubs.about.com/od/commonshrubs/p/angelstrumpet.htm) and also the so called  Devil’s trumpet.  which have in common with B. versicolor a flower in shape of trumpet, but the difference with B. versicolor is  that their flowers growth up, meanwhile  in B. versicolor, they growth down, it is to say, they are hunging flowers. There are many other common things, like all of them have plenty of alcaloids, because they belong to the Solanaceae family.  In México, where the B. versicolor is used commonly as a decorative plant, they call them Floripondio and it is said that some pieces of the corolla put bellow the pillow, can help to improve the insomnia.

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